How to automate and schedule SQL Server index defragmentation


SQL Server maintenance is not a one-time event, but rather a part of a continuous process. Apart from regular backups and integrity checks, performance improvements can be achieved with index maintenance. If done at regular intervals, it can free the server to focus on other requests rather than losing time scanning for fragmented indexes.

June 5, 2017

How to automate SQL Server defragmentation using policies


Apart from numerous factors, poor index maintenance can be a reason for decreased SQL Server performance. If a database contains tables with numerous entries, that get updated frequently, it is most likely that high index fragmentation will occur. For smaller indexes, high fragmentation does not necessarily degrade the performance of the queries that are run on a table. But for the larger tables, with indexes that consist of 1000 pages and more, fragmentation could cause noticeable performance issues. Luckily, performing index maintenance tasks on a regular basis can eliminate the risk of degrading performance significantly. The most effective ways for treating index fragmentation are reorganize and rebuild index operations.

March 9, 2017

Fragmentation in SQL Server – how to detect its high level and automatically fix it

Fragmentation in SQL Server - Creating custom policy


When working with databases, availability and performance are of supreme importance. The key among them is low Fragmentation in SQL Server, which allows fast query processing. That can be facilitated using indexes. Indexes are like the table of contents in a book, providing shortcuts to where the information is located. Otherwise, the book should be read from the beginning until the needed information is found. The same goes for databases. If there weren’t for indexes, for every query there should need an entire table scan.

February 8, 2017