How to export MySQL data to JSON

This article explains different ways to export MySQL data to JSON file format. JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. It is a lightweight file format for storing and transferring data, commonly used when data is sent from a server to a web page.

In the first section of the article, we will take a look at some MySQL functions as one solution for exporting MySQL data to JSON. Next, we will see how MySQL Shell and JSON output functions can be used to achieve the same goal, and last but not least, we will get familiar with an extension, ApexSQL Database Power Tools for VS Code and its Export to JSON feature.

The following method for exporting will be used:

For this article, the SQL code below will be used as an example:


    USE addresses;
    CREATE TABLE location (
      address_id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      address varchar(50) NOT NULL,
      address2 varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY (address_id)
    (NULL, '1586 Guaruj Place', '47 MySakila Drive'),
    (NULL, '934 San Felipe de Puerto Plata Street', NULL),
    (NULL, '360 Toulouse Parkway', '270, Toulon Boulevard');

(source: How to export MySQL data to CSV)

Exporting MySQL data to JSON using the CONCAT() and GROUP_CONCAT() functions

Using a combination of CONCAT() and GROUP_CONCAT() functions, data from SQL string can be converted into JSON format.

In a query editor, execute the following code:

AS json FROM location;

The results will be something like this:

[{address_id:’1’address:’1586 Guaruj Place’,address2:’47 MySakila Drive’},{address_id:’3’address:’360 Toulouse Parkway’,address2:’270, Toulon Boulevard’}]

CONCAT() and GROUP_CONCAT() functions

To export these results from query result to a JSON file, add one more line of code:

AS json FROM location
INTO OUTFILE 'C:/ProgramData/MySQL/MySQL Server 8.0/Uploads/location.json'

After executing, the result will be similar like in the image below:

Exported data using the CONCAT() and GROUP_CONCAT() functions

Exporting MySQL data to JSON using JSON_OBJECT and JSON_ARRAYAGG functions

The JSON_OBJECT function maps a variable number of arguments to a JSON object. It creates a list of key-value pairs and returns a JSON object containing those pairs. By providing each key/value pair as two separate arguments. Each pair becomes a key/value pair in the resulting JSON object.

When the code below is executed:

    ('address_id', address_id,
     'address', address, 
     'address2', address2)
      FROM location;

The results should be something like this:

JSON_OBJECT function

Now, let’s modify the code to export data to a JSON file. Execute the following:

    ('address_id', address_id,
     'address', address, 
     'address2', address2)
      FROM location INTO OUTFILE 'C:/ProgramData/MySQL/MySQL Server 8.0/Uploads/location.json'

When the newly created JSON file is opened, the results will look like this:

Exported data using JSON_OBJECT function

If you want the results set to be as one row containing a JSON array with one object per row, then the JSON_ARRAYAGG function should be used in combination with the JSON_OBJECT function. Each row of the result set ends up as a single element in the array.

Execute the result below to see results:

    ('address_id', address_id,
     'address', address, 
     'address2', address2))
      FROM location


Add the INTO OUTFILE command to export MySQL data to JSON file:

    ('address_id', address_id,
     'address', address, 
     'address2', address2))
      FROM location INTO OUTFILE 'C:/ProgramData/MySQL/MySQL Server 8.0/Uploads/location.json';

Exported data using JSON_OBJECT and JSON_ARRAYAGG functions in combination with INTO OUTFILE command

  • Note: The JSON_ARRAYAGG function is available from the MySQL server 8.0 version.

Export MySQL data to JSON using MySQL Shell and JSON Format Output

MySQL Shell provides several JSON format options to print result sets:

  • json – returns the JSON values in a nicely formatted way, which makes it easier for humans to read
  • ndjson – returns raw JSON delimited by newlines
  • json/array – returns raw JSON wrapped in a JSON array

Start MySQL Shell and connect to a database from which you want to export data:

To connect to a database, in MySQL Shell execute the following command:

\connect root@localhost:33060/addresses

Connect to MySQL database using MySQL Shell

The json output file format

To format data values in the json output, in MySQL Shell execute the following code:


Set json output file format

After that, execute the following code to pull data from the location table:

session.sql("select * from location")

The output will look something like this:

  • {
  • “address_id”: 1,
  • “address”: “1586 Guaruj Place”,
  • “address2”: “47 MySakila Drive”
  • }
  • {
  • “address_id”: 2,
  • “address”: “934 San Felipe de Puerto Plata Street”,
  • “address2”: null
  • }
  • {
  • “address_id”: 3,
  • “address”: “360 Toulouse Parkway”,
  • “address2”: “270, Toulon Boulevard”
  • }

Format MySQL data using json function

The ndjson output file format

In the MySQL Shell, execute the following code to change the result format:


Switch to ndjson output file format

Now, when the code is executed:

session.sql("select * from location")

Results will be like this:

{“address_id”:1,”address”:”1586 Guaruj Place”,”address2″:”47 MySakila Drive”}
{“address_id”:2,”address”:”934 San Felipe de Puerto Plata Street”,”address2″:null}
{“address_id”:3,”address”:”360 Toulouse Parkway”,”address2″:”270, Toulon Boulevard”}

Format MySQL data using ndjson function

The json/array output file format

To switch to json/array result format, in MySQL Shell execute the code below:


Set json/array output file format

Now, when a SELECT statement is executed, the output will look like this:

{“address_id”:1,”address”:”1586 Guaruj Place”,”address2″:”47 MySakila Drive”},
{“address_id”:2,”address”:”934 San Felipe de Puerto Plata Street”,”address2″:null},
{“address_id”:3,”address”:”360 Toulouse Parkway”,”address2″:”270, Toulon Boulevard”}

Format MySQL data using json/array function

Exporting MySQL data using third-party software

ApexSQL Database Power Tools for VS Code is an extension that can export data from the results grid into a JSON file format in just a few steps. Beside JSON, the extension has options to export MySQL data to CSV, Excel, and HTML file format.

To export data, in Visual Studio Code under the ApexSQL server explorer pane, open a new query:

ApexSQL: Server explorer-->New query

In a newly opened query editor, execute a SELECT statement from which you want the results to be exported:

Executed select statement

On the top right corner of the results grid, click the Export to JSON icon. In the Save As window, choose a location for export MySQL data to JSON file, under the File name enter a name for the file and click the Save button:

Save data to json file format

After the file is saved, on the application bottom right corner, an info message appears with the Show button. When clicked on it, it will open up the location where the file is saved:

Open file location

Newly saved data will look like this:

Exported data to JSON file format


July 23, 2020